Other Projects, Groups & Artists
It’s almost impossible to be an artist and not come into circles of like minded individuals. Yeah, you can’t work with everyone, and you shouldn’t work with some people, but we’ve been blessed to work with and for some amazing people and it’s helped us out more than all of us know. It’s been an adventure that’s as fun as it is educational— even therapeutic! They say “steel sharpens steel (v17)” and we’ve found that to be true. In our adventures we’ve seen and done a bit, from artist and media company development and management, to shows and podcasts, graphics and a/v production, features, writing, even operating and managing a venue at one point. The folks we’ve worked for and with were a blessing to us, so we figured to share the wealth with whoever comes here! Here’s a few of the people we’ve been blessed by on our adventures and we hope they can be a blessing to you or someone you know! We’ll put the logos and names with a link so you can go on your own adventure exploring them and get to experience a bit of it all for yourself. Thanks to all of you for everything, sincerely. We appreciate every drop of everything and we’re trying to make sure we do our part with that energy and be a light in this world, just as you’ve been to us. Thanks for passing the torch. Some of these folks we’re still working with too! Others are friends who have some cool projects that we think are well worth checking out. THESE ARE LISTED IN A to Z ORDER.
As for OUR projects and works still in progress… world, get ready! The Adventures continue….
Abstract Visionary Productions:
Television and Film production company developed and managed by The Glitch of Glyphe’
Independent Pasadena, CA, Hip-Hop label artists Dvnny Phvntom, Space Cadet, Asya Marqui, The Glitch of Glyphe’, and more.
Travel, Food, & Fitness (T.F.F.):
TV show developed and produced by Empowerment Media Productions (EMP).
(The Glitch of Glyphe’ & K2Shay)