little byrd
A quick warning: There’s gonna be some stuff said here that’ll get twisted and some of it is already twisted and i’m sorting things out but this is where i’m is right now, so… i don’t mean to trip anyone up. I don’t agree with all of the stuff in the links below but some points i’m weighing and researching. Just trying to get things straight, looking for the honest truth, etc.
Born here in this world in Louisville KY, raised in Philadelphia PA, little byrd is a regular dude… whatever that is… despite the fact i’m talking about myself in the 3rd person writing this. I rock the same gear from yesteryear. I diggs my space just as much as (if not more than) i diggs one on ones… after that, small groups, but if need be or just want (cause there’s no needs) i can be memorable and “very social”. Libra’s, we do that. Number stuff i was told based on the current existing order of things i was a 33/6 but Octo means 8 not 10 as the current order says, so i consider it inaccurate. Check your numerology to make sure you’re not living someone else’s best life. January is after the roman Janus (god of new beginnings) so that ain’t even the first month, plus God NUMBERS things since he’s an artist and scientist, and about order— which is why “that was the first day…” and “the evening and morning of the second day..” etc. then Rome and clones said Monday, Tuesday, Odin’s, Thor’s, etc…. Big spiritual side but not that emotional “spiritual” that people think is spiritual, or even that ascension crap where folks listened to some Watts or Goddard or something and because of fear of ALL they have to put up walls and can’t embrace dark. I didn’t say i was at peace with it, i just said i have a big spiritual side. Not a big emotional side. Low I.Q. Loads of sarcasm. Peace is death, especially if you believe in vibration. If you’re BEING BEing Being at peace… instead of continuing to be, because of consciousness, you’ll think, and then want, and then peace is over. Vibration is relationships & thinking— current-see. The inevitability of being I understand and love even when I do not like it. C’est la guerre et la vie. I believe in God and am working on understanding that and why. I figure if we’re all gonna leave here and end up there, and there you might get locked in God’s house, you might as well know who’s house it is and why you’re there— as opposed to folks who “are going to heaven” just because they’re scared of going to hell, or think that’s what you’re supposed to do because they’re “good people” and believe in a god they don’t know and their job ain’t giving out free time to figure out, but that’s all they’ve been told by folks told that by folks told that… Stuff like the Demiurge, the Apocryphon of John (Nag Hammadi text/library stuff)— all that stuff I’m still sorting out. Just wish folks weren’t so full of shit when it comes to spirituality. If you’re real about nothing else, be real bout that. It’s kind of important.
I don’t care for religion but I understand it and love it. Love is not like. Know the word. When it comes to things, and everything is a thing (some form of BEING) you’ll never get the fullness of that thing, or else it would die as completely understanding to the point of knowing removes all energy from a thing (save pure[ly] BEING] and so it would fizzle from attention and die—long story short. Death is not non-existence. Know the word. If you die and go to heaven you didn’t cease to exist now did you? You just died to this level of attention and focus and concentration of consciousness. Eff all that. Spiritual stuff? I’ve had random conversations with people that i’ll think back on now and then. One said I reminded them of Quetzalcoatl (Quetzalcoatlus later came to be a favorite dinosaur of mine) which was interesting. Another said i reminded them of a conversation with Uriel. That conversation led to me looking up Uriel, which led to Raze (tag name I had from a character I made up in a comic book/story i did back in high school which is funny because I knew a kid named Uriel in that same high school), which uncovered -EL names (Elohim and El Elyon) and Raziel and Sepher Raziel (which the copy i had got stolen or just vanished after someone asked to borrow it… imagine that). Clown stuff? The philosophy and psychology of “The Fool” makes light of that Bush quote, "There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, 'Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again.” especially when it comes to Demiurge things like reincarnation or just free passage to and fro this reality. Yeah, all of this is one thought… point being, there have been may spiritually enlightening, triggering, and educational experiences I’ve had, most at the bar or around it, or dealing with church services and music (not so much the overall message but the HOW and WHY of it all). Those individuals with whom the conversations had taken place, all randos, and I’ve never run into again really, but the air there and the vibration, the feeling of your soul sitting loosely, wavering in your body when you’re awake, was different— so I paid attention. Sitting in church listening to preachers preach didn’t do that much—if at all. TEACHERS I adore. A few dreams about a few things… meh. Like I said in the red text, I’m not trying to trip people up or throw any curves, just trying to get to the bottom of all of this.
The Adventures so far have led to things like Watts, Goddard, Manly P., Aurelius, Aristotle… Shawn Ryan’s interviews (Billy Carson, Dr. Greer), “What the Bleep…”, “Zeitgeist (Addendum)”, “The Venus Project”, “The Pleiadean Perspective of Human Evolution”, Thoth & Emerald Tablets, Enūma Eliš, Hermetics, Bruce Lipton on Rangan Chatterjee, Dry Creek Wrangler…. Yeah Charles Stanley, Myron Golden is good (thanks dad for that), Allen Jackson, Tony Evans, Furtick, Gino, even the ministry of folks like Robert Morris and [boobie-cops] and some others. The word from them, when genuine and inspired by the divine, relayed without ego and emotion and judgment is what i dig and gained, and am glad they did it when they did it in that spirit… no matter whatever else was done outside of that. Watch the movie LEAP OF FAITH, and then let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Judge not lest ye be judged, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me…” meaning other gods DO exist, also meaning YOU make YOURSELF ONE a lot of the time, sometimes just by judging…. I’m able to enjoy the Cosby show is what I’m saying, because what’s being taught there is NOT the lifestyle and message of the people PLAYING THE ROLES… what’s there, like preachers, is THE MESSAGE. That’s what you’re there for. If the preacher isn’t right, that’s on them and them and God will work that out. If their message ain’t right, THEN that’s for me to get away from. IF YOU CAN’T SEPARATE THE HUMAN LIKE YOU MLK AND HITLER PREACHER FROM WHAT AND WHY THEY ARE PREACHING THEN YOU NEED TO SERIOUSLY FIND GOD AND DON’T BULLSHIT AND WASTE TIME AND LIFE AND LIVING ON ANYTHING ELSE UNTIL YOU GET IT. Through the art and all of this I’m sharing whatever i’ve learned to get whoever as close to the fullness of knowing God as possible. Even me. Folks can get you to the door. Folks can lead the horse to the water. The rest is on you hoss, but I’m a person just like you, even if your race or the spirit you were thought of and are thinKING and existING in ain’t human or Christ, because there’s other humanoids who ain’t human beings here too— we’re all personas. Eff all that. WALK YOUR WALK. WATCH YOUR STEP WHILE DOING SO. KNOW THE WORD (ever word of that… like YOUR… WALK, not gossip or judge or help someone else’s crawl or run. WALK… YOUR… WALK. And, again, IF YOU CAN’T SEPARATE THE HUMAN LIKE YOU MLK AND HITLER PREACHER/TEACHER/SPEAKER FROM WHAT AND WHY THEY ARE PREACHING/TEACHING/SPEAKING THEN YOU NEED TO SERIOUSLY FIND GOD AND DO NOT BULLSHIT AND WASTE TIME AND LIFE AND LIVING ON ANYTHING ELSE UNTIL YOU GET IT. Even worse, if being entertained by some preacher or some person in a pulpit or on a stage or on a screen or whatever, is more important than getting a message of instruction and/or guidance from the divine, you, my friend, are fucking yourself. Stop doing that. Like, NOW. Everyone who’s died died on a day that was “today” and not “tomorrow.” I said that. Angels left heaven for here. God made the heavens… AND THE EARTH. Why make earth if Heaven is HEAVEN?? Even at the end there’s a New Heaven, AND A NEW EARTH. There’s something to here… something to being Human and they know it, and we have to figure it out because they leave there to come here and be like you. DON’T WASTE IT. Don’t let “them” rob you of it. It’s a gift. It’s YOUR gift given to you to be and do you 100% because no one else can or will. I ain’t figured it all out but I’m working on it. You can quote me but don’t b.s. and waste it. There’s wisdom in fools, so understand (from the book I’m writing) “When it comes to human, expect nothing more or less than human, while human.” Life is easy and simple. Living it is where “we” complicate it. All of it for a divine purpose. Whatever… THERES A LOT/Not gonna mention it all here — all of that is interesting but (that part that’s in red). Yeshua (Jesus)… read him. Study that. They all take their queues from there and it gets bent and twisted and folded whichever way for whatever point. Everything can be traced back to one point. Understand the why of that point. Know the word… one word. I think and come up with my own stuff/philosophies…. one of which is BEING BEing Being. Writing about that in a book. Lyrics are important to me. I love the english language and how you can bend and flip words and say many things at once. Like in the top video (Quae Nihil…) here. Have fun with that. Sometimes its hard to express so a picture might do, a song might do, words or something else… so I do a lot trying to get it quiet, and if not quiet, then at least to shut the fuck up (know.. the… word). FUCK is an acronym: F-ornication, U-nder, the Crown, of the K-ing. Meaning Fucking is [in short] making the divine into a lower thing which it is not by way of your thinking, not your thoughts, but by what and why you are thinking them)… making it all dumb down, like the Android/tree on the cliff video here. The meanings to songs I usually put with the lyrics. BANDCAMP (the vault) is where that is. Also there’s side projects that you might know like the zephaniah chesterfield project and Samurai Ruach (the series) and some other things… everything is connected in some kinda way, like how there’s that Marvel Multiverse, that Stephen King universe, and all that other stuff. I’ll get deeper on that stuff here, no worries, for whoever is interested. It’s all in the links here and/or the “other groups”. …read more.