Are you ready for an adventure?

WELCOME! Thanks for coming along on The Adventures Of… one of the most cutting-edge and REAL “dynamic duos” of artists, The Glitch of Glyphe’ and little byrd. We hope you have fun and are blessed while on your own adventure here as you navigate and uncover all of the gems in this site. We stay busy so there’s a lot to experience here, from the music and downloads, show episodes, a portfolio of workpretty deep bios to help you get to know The Glitch of Glyphe’ and little byrd (with a breakdown of  All Three Logos), and a PayPal link for those who were looking for a way to reach out and support. True Spitters Certified? check. W.E.E.D. RADIO? Check. There’s even some links to groups and other projects we’re involved in— ranging from philosophy books to a playing card game, comics, and more! Plenty to see, hear, and do while exploring here. Thanks for stopping by!

Exploring our socials? The order of the icon links (top and bottom) are Bandcamp, Soundcloud, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter (X), LinkedIn, Gmail, and PayPal. There are some larger “quick button” logos to get to the most used pages here at the bottom of every page. Now that that’s out of the way, get ready for an adventure…

What is The Adventures Of
The Glitch of Glyphe and little byrd?

The Adventures Of The Glitch of Glyphe’ and little byrd is a creative collaborative effort featuring two artists, The Glitch of Glyphe’ and little byrd. The duo joined forces in Pasadena Ca., while on the indie label True Spitters Certified Entertainment where they both stood out as far as their range of talent and creativity. After experimenting in the song DePressure they knew they were stepping into a goldmine and have been cranking out projects left and right in all directions— everything from podcasts (W.E.E.D. RADIO) to tv shows, memes, merch…. everything that could be expected from creative kids given freedom to push all of the boundaries and see what they could come up with. After a romp in the Hip Hop industry, the music branched out into all genres, which was expected based on their past work in projects and bands before True Spitters. Adding to that, the spirituality level increased quite a bit with both members realizing that with the blessing and free will in this open creative space comes teh responsibility of not only painting a picture of a way out of the whole zombie robot matrix mess the world has become, but to be genuine human ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven, and to be open and honest about it— the whole journey, the “good” and the “bad” of it all. And so, here are those adventures., which is still ongoing! Thanks for coming along!

…more on T.A.O. click here or one of the links or logos below.