The Glitch of Glyphe(contd)

The Glitch of Glyphe’ AND music

I was always into music, but once I really got into it I understood that music is more into us in a way. Music is a vibrational thing and life, or living it, is a vibrational thing. Just like art is a reflection of life and expression of the soul, vibration is  reflection of relationships in consciousness. The more rooted in love we al are, the more things flow in harmony— like music— everyone doing their thing, playing their role in the Kingdom, then it all flows naturally— smoothly. So it’s not that I’m into music, but more like music is in me because i’m in this grand love song to and with God. We are music. If that’s not an answer, then God and living and understanding my self, the self God’s given me freely to be— that got me into music. 

I have a deep desire to communicate the truth of the Kingdom of God here on earth. It’s up to us as ambassadors to represent the Kingdom, and one of the best ways to do that is in your walk, your talk… living and being your song. Like it’s been said, “Don’t talk about it, BE about it.” There’s a lot of “artists” now making “music” but it’s not bringing about any life or living— they’re not even happy doing it and most of them don’t even know why they’re doing it, outside of money or fear or they’re just lost. So, to get people back on the right track, to be the change in the world I know I can be, and to help people not just see God but to KNOW God, through my walk and my song… and a little dance here and there— that’s one reason I “do” music.

Another is I’m blessed to do it. It’s a calling that’s in me. It’s branded, and we who are called and charged (given the positive energy) to do this are also bearers of the seal of God, the holy Spirit is given to us, it’s in our very breath of life and it would be… let’s say “very unfortunate” to waste [my/our/that] gift that’s been Branded-in. So look at it as me being me. I am me. I am who God made me to be. That’s in a song somewhere by some dope artists… the something Glitchy Glyphe’ or something, I dunno. Colonize the lost is a thing. Winning souls for Christ is a huge thing. People don’t understand the Christ part of God has to do with God in/as humanity— that’s the divinity part— or a part of it. People claim to be “god-conscious” and use God in all of these other terms but… are they really? I’m doing it for real so people have a decent example. Even in me being an example, you can lead the horse to water, but…